ThePessimisticChemist says:
Times are getting rougher in this area. My company does a LOT of business overseas, so we are still doing very well, but the blue collar jobs are taking a beating.
I feel bad when we turn away someone fully qualified for a position, but they wouldn?t want the pay anyways. Most are ex-union and want 25-50% more pay for the same work as people who have never been in a union before.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 10?
28th December 2012 at 5:11 pm
Hope@ZeroKelvin says:
What a timely cartoon.
Since the election, about 75% of my patients have been asking me if I will still be around once Obamacare kicks in over the next few years.
I say that I don?t know, I just soldier on every day, that I am more worried about the economic collapse of the country, that I?ll hang on as long as I can but I am not optimistic.
I either get tears of acknowledgement of how screwed we are or looks of blank astonishment.
At this point, I hand out my little American flag pins (which I tell them to wear upside down indicating a nation in distress) and a little card with all my favorite websites on it, also the names/phones of our CONgresscritters.
Trying to spread my gospel of Embrace The Doom, one person at a time.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 19?
28th December 2012 at 5:29 pm
Muck About says:
Attention llpoh!!
Paying attention? Listen up and act accordingly. I closed my own ?small business? 3 years ago just to avoid excessive taxes. Fuck ?em. They?ll keep spending any income they get until they get no more. Then they?ll spend more that the Fed gives them (now happening) until that won?t work anymore (maybe 2013).
Starve the beast. Stop paying taxes. Collect Free Shit from as many sources as you can.
Break the bastards and let?s start over from a lower baseline..
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 6?
28th December 2012 at 7:17 pm
Administrator says:
How are you feeling? We haven?t heard from you for a few days.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 7?
28th December 2012 at 7:21 pm
The Watchdog says:
Aside from TBP, what other web sites are on your little card?
ZeroHedge, Mish, King World News, The Onion?
Like or Dislike: 3?
28th December 2012 at 7:44 pm
Llpoh says:
Muck ? already putting in plans for option number two. My prediction is for an exodus of small- business owners from their businesses. Despair will over-take them. Get out while the getting is less bad. No way in hell I am going broke just in order to keep my employees employed another year or three. I do not run a business for their benefit, which will come as a shock to them. At least to those that have ever given it a single thought.
I have always been pleased that what I do has provided a social good. Not any longer ? I no longer get to share in the good, but only suffer the bad. Screw it.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 9?
28th December 2012 at 10:00 pm
Administrator says:
I?m guessing your employees don?t frequent TBP.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 7?
28th December 2012 at 10:12 pm
Chronic Agitator says:
Timely cartoon Indeed! For the time being I do not have to be concerned with Obama care because I have less than 50 employees but year after year gross revenue continues to deteriorate. If sales go any lower I will have no choice but to become ?Arnold?s Rug? as the old yellow pages advertisements used to say. Going back to a one man show would have it?s benefits but I have staff who need jobs, although, I believe most of them think it will be easy to go elsewhere.
Even though it is very stress full, I keep holding on?hoping that I can do a magical turn around but month by month it is getting less likely. Although it is possible, I like to think I am not to blame for everything in my company going to shit?maybe that is why I keep coming back to TBP because I want to feel like I am not responsible for all of this clusterfuck economy we have. [Rant Off- Temporarily] Be Safe FFs.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 7?
28th December 2012 at 10:22 pm
Chronic Agitator says:
Lloph? I like your fucking attitude?really!
Like or Dislike: 4?
28th December 2012 at 10:24 pm
Llpoh says:
Admin ? I suspect not. Too bad for them.
CA ? it is very important to abandon ship while the ship is still floating. If you wait too long, you can go down with it. I appreciate the kind words.
Like or Dislike: 3?
28th December 2012 at 10:29 pm
crazyivan says:
?CA ? it is very important to abandon ship while the ship is still floating.? -llpoh
A good Captain will always get off a ? ?Brace For Impact? message.
A better Captain will admit to boarding passengers, that he has a very strong stinging pain in his penis, but assures that the flight will not be affected.
The best Captain will give everyone a parachute and say ?good luck you fuckers, I love you all?
Like or Dislike: 0?
28th December 2012 at 11:23 pm
John says:
On a positive note, the 47+M food stamps recipients at the end of 2012 truly believe, that their Obama/Chase EBT card will buy em Walmart can food all the way through in 2013.
Like or Dislike: 1?
28th December 2012 at 12:31 am
SSS says:
Hope said, ?Since the election, about 75% of my patients have been asking me if I will still be around once Obamacare kicks in over the next few years.?
Let me tell you what I said to my urologist after my last visit, Hope, and she is just as concerned as you are on the impact of Obamacare on her medical practice. I told her that I WILL PAY OUT OF MY POCKET WHATEVER IT COSTS FOR HER TO SEE AND TREAT ME AS A PATIENT PLUS WHATEVER SHE CONSIDERS AS A FAIR PROFIT FOR HER SERVICES. AND I WILL DO IT IN CASH.
She looked at me, smiled, and said thank you. Not every patient will say that, Hope, but I did because I can ?? and mean it. I predict that there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people like me who will gladly participate in a black market of payments to our doctors just to keep them solvent and us as their patients because we can afford it.
And here?s to any government fucksticks that may be monitoring this site. Saying that you might break the law through payments under the table is a lot different than actually breaking the law. Have fun in adding me to your watch list.
Like or Dislike: 4?
28th December 2012 at 12:39 am
SSS says:
?-title of article
Gee, I always thought it was spelled dilemna, with an n and not 2 m?s. I?m sure you will straighten out this incredible spelling controversy in a New York minute.
(Imbedded secret writing comment invisible to Admin. Dilemma with 2 m?s is the accepted form, but dilemna popped up somewhere in the past, and no one can figure out where it came from. Probably another CIA plot. Anyway, let?s all watch Admin struggle with this challenge.)
Like or Dislike: 1?
28th December 2012 at 1:00 am
Llpoh says:
SSS ? unfortunately, that will only be a de facto tax on you, and will be in the end nothing but a transfer payment to those receiving free shit. Your doctor will be able to continue seeing subsidized patients off of your dime. I will only do what you are proposing if the doctor is entirely out of the system, otherwise it will be a tax on me. Obama would be oh so grateful to have us subsidize his system by paying the difference personally.
Re under the table, that transaction has nothing to do with you ? entirely up to the receiver to declare or otherwise. You are paying in legal tender so end of story. You did not ask for a receipt ? no law broken there.
Like or Dislike: 0?
28th December 2012 at 1:01 am
Llpoh says:
BTW I never ask for a receipt for personal services and always try to pay in cash. I am not interested in how people keep their books.
Like or Dislike: 2?
28th December 2012 at 1:05 am
Leobeer says:
My employees never saw it coming although the signs were clearly there. They suspected something ?was up? but couldn?t work it out for themselves. I would have told them in advance but my exit strategy to get out cleanly and legally required secrecy and they couldn?t be trusted to keep their mouths shut.
Good luck, Llpoh
Like or Dislike: 2?
28th December 2012 at 2:50 am
Stan says:
My patients ask me the same thing. I tell them to take 2 shots of vodka and call me in the morning.
Then pay the receptionist 100 bucks and get the hell out!!
Like or Dislike: 1?
28th December 2012 at 4:25 am
Chatham Police says:
Don?t worry. You were already on our watchlist. We consider you a traitor for frequenting this anarchist anti-American website.
We will round up all of you when the time is right.
Like or Dislike: 0?
28th December 2012 at 7:34 am
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